Archives for September 1, 2013

A Good Start to the Year…

This past Friday, Launch participated in Wooster’s annual “Scot Spirit Day” in the Oak Grove. Every year, many of the schools various organizations set up a table and promote there club, hoping to spark the interest of new freshman and gain new members. Last year, the Launch, then named the E-Club, did not have a table due to the club being in transition of leaders and advisors. This year, Launch was back and ready to tell the school about its exciting plans for the year. t Many interested students stopped by the table to inquire about Launch and sign up for the club’s emailing list. Over 70 students signed up, marking what must be a record breaking year for Scot Spirit Day recruitment.

The year seems to be off to a good start. If you signed up, being looking out for an email this week about our first kick-off meeting in the Tartan Room

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